IT’S FINALLY HERE! One of the largest book festivals in the world, The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23, on the University of Southern CA campus. It’s free to the public. There will be Music, Food, Art, Culture, Lots of Fun, Celebrities and Athletes promoting their books, Famous Speakers and ME with my true story “The Fugitive’s Sister.” If you can’t attend, please tell all your book loving friends to stop by my Booth 124 and pick up a signed copy of my book. See my flyer and the event website events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/ for more information. Hope to see you there!

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books – Linda Case, Author Signing
Linda Case, author of The Fugitive’s Sister, Event!
Linda Case will be Reading and Signing her popular true story, THE FUGITIVE’S SISTER!
Saturday, APRIL 15, 1-4:30 p.m.
A celebration of local writers and authors, Escondido Writers Group Presents: Open Mic! will be held at the Escondido Public Library on Saturday, April 15, from 1-4:30 p.m. in the Turrentine Room. Library events are free and open to the public. Escondido Public Library is located at 239 South Kalmia Street in downtown Escondido, California, 92025.
Georgia Author of the Year Awards Banquet
Kindle Book Review Memorial Day Contest
Hey, peeps. Here’s a chance for you to win a Kindle Fire 6″ HD & $100 Amazon eCard on Memorial Day–Winners will be announced on Memorial Day afternoon (5-7:00 pm EST)! Just click on the link and enter at the #1 site for reader giveaways–The Kindle Book Review. It’s easy & fun. If you love reading, enter now; giveaway is May 23-30. Enter everyday if you like. https://wp.me/P2H01p-8s7
That’ll do it, folks. Good luck with the giveaway and happy holidays!
Linda Case, author of The Fugitive’s Sister, Events!
On Friday, March 4th @ 7:30 pm, Linda Case will be interviewed, LIVE, on Blog Talk Radio with David Clarke. Call 646-727-3116. A podcast of the interview will be available on March 5th at www.blogtalkradio.com/authordavidclarke
Book Signing. Saturday, March 5th @ 11:00a.m. – 3:00p.m. Books For Less, 770-945-9288, 2815 Buford Dr., Buford, Georgia. www.mybfl.com [email protected]. Linda’s story began when her brother died. Two days later, her sister’s company was raided by the FBI. Subsequently, her sister was convicted by a jury, escaped, disappeared and became one of AMERICA’S MOST WANTED fugitives. Then, she contacted Linda for help. What happens next is a warning to all. The wrong-doing by Linda’s sister’s company, National Century Financial Enterprises, was a similar situation to the Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. Madoff’s was the largest in U.S. history of a “public-sector fraud” whereas Linda’s sister’s was the largest in U.S. history of a “private-sector fraud.”
Linda Case has been nominated for Georgia Author of the Year for her true crime story, The Fugitive’s Sister. Awards ceremony is to be held at Kennesaw State College June 4th @ 7pm www.authoroftheyear.org
Links to Federal Case www.TheFugitivesSister.com
Published by Argus Publishing
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency
Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme
NOTE: My sister’s former company, National Century Financial Enterprises, and Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme were very similar…..The only difference is that Madoff’s was “the largest case in U. S. history of “public-sector fraud” whereas my sister’s was the “largest case in U. S. history of “private-sector fraud.”